Friday, January 28, 2011

Catch My Dreams

Dream Catcher 
 I made about half a year ago
 from a bubble blower I found at Coachella,
 painted it black and wrapped it all up with string and such, 
painted plastic beads and feathers I found

Dream Catcher I finished a week or so ago for my friend Lauren Emily. 
It was supposed to be a present for Christmas, but I lagged about a month...
 Made with wire, string, a few little plastic beads, wired on sea glass, 
buttons, a single rock, 
and feathers from a fake chicken I bought at the thrift store.

Jewelry made from wire, 
seaglass, and 
beads&&charms and such.

Homemade granola... 
I make too much of it... 
soo good.

Heart rocks
I strung
and wired up
currently hanging

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